Monday, August 13, 2007

And now we wait....

Well it's done... all $1000 worth of spermies are now doing their job (hopefully). I totally forgot how horrible this tww thing is! BLLLEGGHH! I'm only 1 DPO... can I test yet?!?! Geez louise! Maybe I'll forget about it in a few days and live life like nothing is different. Maybe not...
I'll be testing on my birthday which is August 28th. So I'll either have a really good birthday or pretty crappy birthday. Christina swears this time worked. She said that everything was perfect. Hopefully the egg that was released was a good one! :) I felt really fertile this time (if that matters at all).
Here are the details...
-Tested with smiley face OPK on saturday at 3pm
-First AI with IUI format was Saturday night at 10pm. Cervix was not real open and CM was still a little white. Went directly to sleep afterwards.
-Second AI with ICI format was Sunday at noon. Cervix was REALLY open and lots of clear CM. Used preseed. Took a nap for 2 hours afterwards.
-Third AI with IUI format was Sunday at 10pm. Cervix was still REALLY open but not much CM, so we used preseed again. Christina put the catheter in my cervix about 1/4 inch. Went to sleep right afterwards.

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