Friday, October 26, 2007

I hate being jealous!

Soooo... Christina's brother's wife had her baby last night. It really really bothered me. I'm very jealous about it and I don't know how to get over it! I don't think I can go see that baby! I'm mean jealous, not nice jealous. My friend, Lisa, is pregnant and I'm jealous of her, but it's a nice jealousy. I'm happy for her mostly. It doesn't help that christina's brother is super obnoxious and I can't even stand to be around him. Now he has something that I want and I don't like it! I hope I can get over this soon! It's making me miserable!

Some good news... I have an interview today. It's for a job in Atlanta. I'm pretty nervous about it. I'm mostly nervous about having to move. It's such a big hassle, but when I think about staying here I feel sick. So which is the lesser of two evils? We'll have to sell our house and pack all the animals up. Big big hassle! Oh well. I think our quality of life will be better! :)

By the way... thank you for all the nice comments! They really make my day when I read them. :)


twondra said...

Awww, sweetie, the feelings are normal. I've been the exact same way. I have a friend who's 4 months along and had tried for 6 months with no knowledge. I told her about the CM and stuff and next month, BOOM she's pg. Doesn't seem fair. Now all she complains about is how much weight she's put on and how she "just can't win". It bothers me a lot. I feel guilty, but I have the jealousy thing going on. Hang in there! Your day will come!!

Lora said...

Hey Kari~ long time, no talk!! :) I know exactly what you're talking about with the jealousy thing. I have NUMEROUS cousins pregnant right now, one of which has 5 kids they NEED another one!! Saturday was the end of another disappointing TWW ~ #7 to be exact! And OF COARSE, I find out the very next day that another cousin is pregnant!!!! I wanted to bury my head in a pillow and just cry all day long!! I hate that feeling too, but yes, it's natural. It!! Just know you're not alone!! :)