Saturday, December 1, 2007

The meeting about Tyler.

Thursday we met with a lawyer to discuss how we can get custody of Tyler. She said it's definately doable, but it will cost $3000. She wants to try and get sole, legal custody. The only road block we may have is Tyler's dad. We have to get him to sign papers that say it's ok for him to live with us. I think we're going to appeal to him by saying we don't want any child support or any sort of financial anything. He can be totally free of him. Another dilemma is the money. We aren't super rich right now because of TTC, Christmas, and Christina's business is really slow right now. We're basically living off of my income. It's kind of tight. When we were home for Thanksgiving, my aunt said she would loan us the money. I hate asking for money. Especially since her husband just got laid off. She said it wasn't a problem, though. It's a tricky situation.

Tyler is really misbehaving this weekend. We've grounded him from his PSP and PS2 because he almost beat up a girl at school. He just got in trouble with Christina because he threw a fit because she had to go to the grocery store. He honestly acts like a 3 year old sometimes. It's really difficult because he gets no discipline at home, then he comes here and we give him lots of praise when he's good, but we definately discipline him when he's bad. I think he acts up at home because his parents give him NO attention and the only way he can get any attention is if he is bad. It's just a horrible situation. We definately need to get him here for good.


twondra said...

I wish you the best of luck. Sounds like you guys would be so good for him. I hope it all works out.

RainbowMomma said...

Consistency is definitely helpful. So is therapy. If he isn't already, it would probably be helpful to get him into that, too.

Good luck with the custody.