Saturday, January 19, 2008

I need to vent!!!

I am so angry!!!! Christina took Tyler down to see his mom today just for a few hours. We are NEVER letting him spend the night there again! She wanted him for the whole weekend so we had to compromise. Anyways... that's not what I'm mad about. I'm mad because when Christina went to pick him up, him and his brother were soaking wet and bawling! She asked his mom why they were wet and she said that they wanted to play in the snow so she just let them. It was snowing/ raining out and very wet!!! Who would let their kid out in that crap?! Then she asked why they were crying. She said because she told them that she had to call the cops on their dad the other night because he was so drunk and was threatening to hit her. Then she told him that she's leaving him and moving out soon. She didn't spare their feelings at all! Christina is on the way back here right now and she said he's been crying for an hour! It's so ridiculous!!! I am so pissed at her I can't even think straight! Christina is going to call her tomorrow and tell that unless she straightens up and stops telling him crap like that, she will never EVER see him again. Thank god all the paperwork is done!!! I am so tired of her crap!!!! UGGGHH!!

Oh yeah... the paperwork was finally signed by the judge last wednesday. His first day of school was Thursday. He was so nervous he looked like he was going to puke. I just wanted to squeeze him!! His teacher read everything in his file and was really prepared when he came in. The poor guy was so nervous about what to tell people when they asked how old he was. He'll be eleven on valentine's day and he's in 3rd grade. So he's about 2 years older than everyone else. The teacher looked at him and told him he didn't need to tell anyone anything. I think that made him feel better. We warned his teacher that he's really at 1st grade level in most things. After school, she told Christina that he is worse than she thought and she would have to modify his homework quite abit for him to be able to finish it. We have a lot of work to do with him. Hopefully we can get him tested for dyslexia and central auditory processing disorder soon. I'm pretty sure he has one, if not both of those.

Well, I will try to keep everyone updated.


twondra said... sad. Did Christina call? What did she say?

I'm thinking of you guys!

lyndsey said...

I hope things settle down soon. Poor kid. The mother sounds like my sister, wanting more attention for her than for the kids. I am soo sorry for Tyler.

RainbowMomma said...

Poor thing. I'm so glad you two have the papers done now! He definitely is where he needs to be. I hope the school stuff gets figured out. (My daughter goes to a school where there are 12-14 kids from 1st to 6th all in one class...kinda like a one room schoolhouse.) (Too bad you don't have an option like that. Then he could just learn at his level.) I hope he is able to get the services he needs. I wil be thinking of you all.