Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Spermies + Egg = BABY

I feel so strange today! I am totally at ease! I feel like nothing is going to get in my way of getting pregnant, so why worry about it! I'm usually very anxious about it. It doesn't even bother me to think about nearly $1000 possibly being lost down the toilet. I am sooo ready for this! Bring it on!

Christina is a little stressed. She said the other night, "what happens if this works?". Well..... WE HAVE A BABY! :) I can't wait to be pregnant! It's going to be so amazing!

I talk to my uterus everyday, and so does Christina. I'm hoping it will help. I'll let you know. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog via the NW site, and I want to wish you the very best!! It's quite overwhelming to think about actually having a baby to care for before it happens, but it's so worth it. Good luck!!