Friday, December 7, 2007

Well, on Wednesday I was fired from my job. It came as a shock! I've never been fired before. The reason they gave me was because I spoke to a coworker about the boss's financial involvement in his sister's company. It was just a 'what if' conversation and apparentally she took it to him. He said I was questioning his business ethics and there was no place for me there. Atleast I was already looking for other jobs. The only problem is that I need a job really really soon and most of the jobs I've been looking at are far away. It's very stressful not having a job and now I'm even more stressed because I'm facing a move. I don't know what we're going to do. I'm very worried about money. Right now Christina's business is slow and it won't start picking up until about March or April. UGGGHH! I suppose what doesn't kill me will make me stronger... right?


RainbowMomma said...

Gosh, this was really bad timing for you! Ugh! Seems like you found a trigger/sore spot for your daughter. Boy, your co-worker must not have been a friend of yours.

I'm sorry that happened. I hope you get a BFP even though you lost your job. LOL!

twondra said...

I'm sorry you lost your job. Horrible timing. Things happen for a reason...but man, so stressful. I'm sorry. :(

twondra said...

I just wanted to say that's awesome about your dream! Too cool!! Thanks so much for sharing with me!

twondra said...

Any news girl??

Lora said...

So sorry to hear about your job, Kari!! Wow! How unfair!!! How's the job search going?? More importantly...any news to share??

Anonymous said...

Just checking in with you, too. Sorry you got fired, but if that's how your boss is going to be, then good riddance! Hope to hear some news from you soon!