Saturday, July 21, 2007


We bought our spermies!!! The donor we picked, 497, was not available. So we searched again and found #554. He sounds wonderful! My favorite thing about him was his answer to the question, what message do you want to pass on to the recipient of your donation? He said, "Conservation, preservation, and reconciliation." I love that!! If we get pregnant from him, that is what I'm going to teach to my child. (I like it so much, I might just teach it to my child even if he isn't the donor!!) ;)
I'm not quite sure when we'll inseminate. It will probably be around the second week of August. I'm so excited I can hardly take it!! I can just feel that this is it!! I've got the timing all pin-pointed and everything! And then we wait....

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

People suck!

Lately I have had the worst luck with people. Everyone just sucks! My mom, sister, brother-in-law, and grandparents were supposed to come here for labor day. But now they're not coming because the plane tickets are too expensive. Sometimes I just feel like I'm too tired to worry about my family. I'm constantly thinking about when they're coming to see me or when I need to go see them or if I'm calling them enough or why aren't they calling me. It's so DEPRESSING! I don't think families should be like that! Even when I mentioned to my sister that we're trying to conceive next month, she makes me feel weird. Like I am doing something wrong or bad. I hate that feeling! She's supposed to be the one person in my family who is supportive! But she's definitely not! It's like they don't even care to get to know me or understand what I'm going through. I feel like they've totally squashed my little heart like a bug! I just want them to understand! Is that really too much to ask?!

I am so anxious!!

We picked our donor last night. He's # 497. We're hoping he's available when we order next week. We saw some pictures of one of his babies. He is pretty cute!

I can't think about anything else! I have no idea how I'll ever be able to concentrate when I'm pregnant! I can't even concentrate right now! All I want to do is shop for baby things. I'm going to overload when I am actually pregnant! Geez louise!

Another thing I've been thinking about is how to tell my family when it finally happens. My mom, sister, brother-in-law, and grandparents are coming down here for labor day. If I get pregnant this first try, I'll probably know by then. I'd really like to tell them face to face. My sister and brother-in-law will be happy, but I don't know if the rest of them will be. It's going to be really hard to tell them. I'll be scared to death of their reaction! It shouldn't be like that, but I know it will be. It will break my heart if they aren't accepting. Oh well. Atleast Christina's parents will be excited!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

First blog!

This month is it!! I can feel it! We're going to be pregnant in a month... i hope. Today is CD 26 and AF should be coming soon. As soon as that happens we're going to order our swimmers! It's the weirdest thing trying to choose what the other half of your child's biological make-up will be. It makes me very sad thinking about what our child would be like if we could make one. He/she would be awesome! I think he/she will be awesome anyways, but you know what I mean.

We had our first appointment at the NC birthing center yesterday. It went much better than I even imagined! We met with Amanda who is a RN and a midwife. She also happens to be a lesbian who had a baby 15 months ago. So she was definately in the know. She sat and talked with us for 45 minutes and answered any questions we had! It was the best experience I've ever had at any sort of health center! I can't wait to have our baby there!