Wednesday, July 18, 2007

People suck!

Lately I have had the worst luck with people. Everyone just sucks! My mom, sister, brother-in-law, and grandparents were supposed to come here for labor day. But now they're not coming because the plane tickets are too expensive. Sometimes I just feel like I'm too tired to worry about my family. I'm constantly thinking about when they're coming to see me or when I need to go see them or if I'm calling them enough or why aren't they calling me. It's so DEPRESSING! I don't think families should be like that! Even when I mentioned to my sister that we're trying to conceive next month, she makes me feel weird. Like I am doing something wrong or bad. I hate that feeling! She's supposed to be the one person in my family who is supportive! But she's definitely not! It's like they don't even care to get to know me or understand what I'm going through. I feel like they've totally squashed my little heart like a bug! I just want them to understand! Is that really too much to ask?!

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