Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good News!

My sister told me tonight that she's pregnant! I'm the first person she's told and it's still really early. AF is due tomorrow. She has taken two pee tests and then she got a beta done... it was 35. She's gonna get another one this week to make sure it's doubling. I'm so excited for her! When Christina and I were actively trying to get pregnant, I always thought I would get jealous when my sister got pregnant. I knew it would be coming anyday because she's been making comments that they're trying. I'm not jealous at all... I'm really excited. I have always had a problem with Christina's brother and wife having a baby, but I think it is because I don't really like them. We've had a few arguments about it because she gets mad when I make snide little comments about them. Now I will see where she's coming from. Atleast Christina likes my sister and her husband. So it will be a little bit different. I'm really excited for them! I can't wait! She said her due date will be Jan. 21st. I guess I'll have to visit around then!!! :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

CONGRATS to your sister!!!!!!!