Sunday, May 18, 2008

People make me so angry!

I, by any means, am not the perfect parent nor will I ever be... but I am confounded by the lack of parenting skills I have surrounding me. Why would a couple who tried to get pregnant for a year never EVER spend time with their little baby?! Christina's brother and wife had a baby last fall and they are forever dropping him at grandma's house!! It is so frustrating! Daddy NEVER ever spends time with his son. If mom isn't home, the poor baby gets dropped at grandma's house. This weekend they were moving into a new home. Instead of dealing with the child like a normal family would, they just drop him off. It is 9:30pm on Sunday evening and that poor baby is still at Grandma's house because they can't seem to put away dishes and watch the baby (who can't even walk yet!!). It is exasperating!!! I feel that their kid is a showpiece or a dog that they can just pass around so they don't have to deal with it. Unbelievable!

Sorry for the vent! I'm just frustrated!

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